ENG - Instituto de Estudos Medievais

Plan of Activities for 2014
8th January
“One Month, one Codex” (monthly seminars in collaboration with the
National Library): Rita Castro - “O «De Avibus de Alcobaça» – uma
cópia de Clairvaux? [Alc. 238]”, BNP- Lisbon. Sala de exposições.
Seminar “Talking about Towns” (every other month seminars): Luis
Filipe Oliveira (IEM/ UAlgarve) - “As Cidades e as Ordens Militares: Os
Castelos e as Casas das Comendas”. IEM- FCSH, Edifício I&D, room
Book Launch “D. Álvaro da Costa e a sua descendência, séculos XVXVII: poder, arte e devoção” (ed. Maria Lurdes Rosa). Lisboa, IEMCHAM-Caminhos Romanos, 2013. Lisbon, Museu de S. Roque, Largo
Trindade Coelho, 6:30 p.m.
28th January
30th January
13th - 14th February
25th February
28th February
International Meeting “Books of Hours. The Imaginary of the Private
Devotion”. BNP- Lisbon.
Permanent workshop on Medieval Methodologies (every other month
seminar): Iria Gonçalves (IEM/FCSH-UNL) - "A denominação das
mulheres, um reflexo da condição feminina". IEM- FCSH, Edifício I&D,
room 2.21.
“Dialogues on Medieval Image” (monthly research seminar): Maria
Alessandra Billotta – “A evolução da tipologia da Inicial ao longo dos
séculos” - and Alícia Miguelez - “Como fazer uma recensão Crítica”.
IEM- FCSH, Edifício I&D.
3rd March - 16th May
“Referenciação Espacial de Fontes Históricas (nível 1)” –online course
organized within the program of advanced training for Science of the
Project JUSCOM (PTDC/EPH-HIS/4323/2012) hosted in the IEM. This
course, offered in partnership between Universidade Aberta, IEM
(FCSH-UNL) and the Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do
Território (UL), is the first online course in e-learning system on
Systems of Geographical Reference for Historical Sources and
Management of data in SIGS environment ever to have been done in
Portugal. More info:
Av. de Berna, nº 26C | 1069-061 Lisboa
+351 217 908 300 (ext. 1321) | [email protected] | www.iem.fcsh.unl.pt
12th March
25th March
28th March
One Month, one Codex” (monthly seminars in collaboration with the
National Library): José Augusto Ramos, Luis Urbano Afonso and Tiago
Moita (FLUL) - “A Bíblia de Cervera: um Manuscrito sefardita Iluminado
(1299-1300)”, BNP- Lisbon.
Permanent workshop on Medieval Methodologies (every other month
seminar): Doutor José Augusto Oliveira (IEM/FCSH) – “Três pequenos
núcleos urbanos da península de Setúbal: Almada, Sesimbra e Coina”.
IEM- FCSH, Edifício I&D, room 2.21.
“Dialogues on Medieval Image” (monthly research seminar): Catarina
Tibúrcio - “O M.S.A. 1 da Crónica Geral de Espanha de 1344 e outros
manuscritos Iluminados da Corte de Avis” / António Rei - “O apartado
geográfico da Crónica Geral de Espanha de 1344 (C1344). Em torno das suas
origens e contextos. IEM- FCSH, Edifício I&D, room 0.07.
9th April
11th April
12th April
29th April
5th May
5th to 6th May
“One Month, one Codex” (monthly seminars in collaboration with the
National Library): Graça Videira Lopes - “A Letra e o Canto
Trovadoresco: o cancioneiro da Biblioteca Nacional”. BNP- Lisbon.
(DIR) Questioning the Strategic Project 2015-2020: Detailing the basic
Enquiry (internal activity).
“Idade Média, Idade dos Saberes: ciclo de palestras no Mosteiro da
Batalha”. (“Middle Ages -Age of Knowledge”: cycle of Lectures in the
Monastery of Batalha). 1st session: “Conhecer os Céus” (Astronomia e
Matemática/ Astrologia de Corte). Monastery of Batalha.
Permanent workshop on Medieval Methodologies (every other month
seminar): João Pedro Tereso - “Uma visão da paleobotânica sobre a
produção agrícola na tardo antiguidade e Alta Idade Média”. IEMFCSH, Edifício I&D, room 2.21.
“One Month, one Codex” (monthly seminars in collaboration with the
National Library): Manuel Pedro Ferreira (CESEM- IEM/ FCSH.UNL) - “O
Iluminado 115: Liturgia Cisterciense e Adições Locais [IL. 155]”. BNPLisbon.
(DIR) Workshop “Rethinking your CV” (Cátia Antunes- Univ. Leiden).
(internal activity)
Av. de Berna, nº 26C | 1069-061 Lisboa
+351 217 908 300 (ext. 1321) | [email protected] | www.iem.fcsh.unl.pt
10th May
“Idade Média, Idade dos Saberes”: ciclo de palestras no Mosteiro da
Batalha (“Middle Ages -Age of Knowledge”: cycle of Lectures in the
Monastery of Batalha). 2nd session: “Constuir e Medir” (Instrumentos
para o Céu e para a Terra/ Construção_Engenharia). Monastery of
Closing ceremony of the course on Geographical Referenciation
Systems (project JUSCOM).
Workshop “Justice and Communities (15th and 16th centuries)” – oneday international conference. Live streaming broadcasting. FCSH,
Edifício I&D, room multiusos 2, floor 4.
II Workshop “Juridical Culture in Portugal” – one-day international
conference. Live streaming broadcasting. FCSH, Edifício I&D, room
multiusos 2, floor 4.
“Dialogues on Medieval Image” (monthly research seminar):
“Seminário de metodologias: realização de um Glossário “. FCSH,
Edifício I&D da FCSH-UNL, sala 0.06.
“Changes and Continuities: the «passage» from the Middle Ages into
the Modern Ages on the Iberian Territory” - jointly organized by IEM
Seminar “Talking about Towns” (every other month seminars):
Programme to be announced. IEM- FCSH, Edifício I&D, room 2.21.
Book launch «D. Duarte e a sua época. Arte, cultura, poder e
espiritualidade». Livraria Férin
14th May
15th May
16th May
16th May
26th May
27th May
29th May
6th June
11th June
11th and 17th June
12TH June
International Research Seminar: “On Raimund Lull”: joint organization
of IEM and CFUP. FCSH-UNL, IEM- FCSH, Edifício I&D, room Multiusos
3, 4th floor.
“One Month, one Codex” (monthly seminars in collaboration with the
National Library): Rosário Paixão (IEM-FCSH-UNL) - “Crónica do
Emperador Clarimundo, donde os Reys de Portugal descendem (1522):
factos e fantasia na construção de uma identidade [RES 904V]”, BNPLisbon.
(DIR) Workshop APLYING FOR FCT SCHOLARSHIP. (internal activity)
Book launch Lançamento do livro «Estudos de cerâmica medieval. O
Norte e o Centro de Portugal séculos IX a XII». Museu Monográfico de
Av. de Berna, nº 26C | 1069-061 Lisboa
+351 217 908 300 (ext. 1321) | [email protected] | www.iem.fcsh.unl.pt
16th June
19th- 20th June
20th - 21st June
21st June
24th July
1st July
3rd July
(DIR) PREPARATORY MEETING OF 2015-2020: Meeting with all the
other participating institutions. (internal activity)
1st Meeting of Project DEGRUPE: “The Ecclesiastics and the
Construction of Medieval Iberian Monarchies: methods, experiences
and perspectives” - joint organization of Project DEGRUPE, with
Meeting in Portugal of the International Project ARCHIFAM. Torre do
Tombo – Lisbon.
“Idade Média, Idade dos Saberes”: ciclo de palestras no Mosteiro da
Batalha (“Middle Ages - Age of Knowledge”: cycle of Lectures in the
Monastery of Batalha). 3rd session: “Conhecer, Construir, Medir”.
Monastery of Batalha.
Permanent workshop on Medieval Methodologies (every other month
seminar): “A fonte iconográfica na construção do discurso histórico:
valências, metodologias, problemas e questões” por Inês Meira Araújo
(CH-UL/FL). IEM- FCSH, Edifício I&, room 2.21.
MEDIEVALISTA - Launch of Medievalista, n. 16.
Open Seminar "Como falar de História cultural e das mentalidades no
século XXI / Homenagem a Jacques Le Goff"- FCSH/NOVA, Torre B,
room 5.
II Meeting RTEL: “Small Towns in the Middle Ages” jointly organized by
IEM and the small towns net of Universidade Aberta (RTEL).
“One Month, one Codex” (monthly seminars in collaboration with the
National Library): António José de Almeida, O.P. - “As Trindades
Trivulciacas em Livros da Biblioteca Nacional [LC. 9 e RES. 1876P]”.
BNP- Lisbon.
Seminar “Talking about Towns” (every other month seminars):
Programme to be announced. IEM- FCSH, Edifício I&D, room 2.21.
4th July
9th July
15th July
10th September
“One Month, one Codex” (monthly seminars in collaboration with the
National Library): Paula Cardoso - “Os Livros de Coro Quinhentistas de
Soror Antónia: o Antifonário L.C. 131”. BNP- Lisbon.
Av. de Berna, nº 26C | 1069-061 Lisboa
+351 217 908 300 (ext. 1321) | [email protected] | www.iem.fcsh.unl.pt
15th September
15th September
One day International Conference: “Literature and Politics in Late
Medieval Portugal: readings on O Livro do Amante” joint activity of
both RGs of IEM. FCSH, Torre B, Auditório 1.
Launch of multimedia CD-Rom with the Portuguese Translation of
Gower’s work, and articles on its reception in Portugal and Castile.
FCSH, Torre B, Auditório 1.
18th - 20th September
25th September
26th September
International Meeting “Empresas. Um Código Emblemático Europeu
(1350-1550)” joint organization of IEM/ CHAM-FCSH-UNL & CESCM –
POITIERS. Mosteiro da Batalha.
Permanent workshop on Medieval Methodologies (every other month
seminar): «"De bons i mals creditors": el mercado de la deuda pública
en la Cataluña bajomedieval», conference of Peres Verdés Pijuan
(Institución Milà y Fontanals, CSIC - Barcelona). FCSH, Edifício ID, room
2.21 (IEM), 18h.
Workshop Idade Média Digital (“Digital Medieval Age”). FCSH, Torre B,
Auditório 1, floor 1.
2nd October - 18th December
Open Course: “The Medieval Man”.
3 October
II Interdisciplinary Meeting on Territories & Powers (International
Meeting). FCSH, Torre B, Auditório 1, floor 1.
8 October
“One Month, one Codex” (monthly seminars in collaboration with the
National Library): Delmira Espada - “O Livro de Horas de Dª Leonor”.
BNP- Lisbon.
16 October
Encontro da Poesia Medieval Portuguesa (Meeting of the Portuguese
Medieval Poetry). IEM- FCSH, Edifício I&D, room multiusos 2, floor 4.
28 October
Seminar “Talking about Towns” (every other month seminars):
Programme to be announced. IEM- FCSH, Edifício I&D/ FCSH-UNL,
room 2.21.
31 October- 1 November
International Meeting: “Medieval Fiscality”. IEM- FCSH, Edifício I&D,
room multiusos 2, floor 4.
Av. de Berna, nº 26C | 1069-061 Lisboa
+351 217 908 300 (ext. 1321) | [email protected] | www.iem.fcsh.unl.pt
?th November
11th November
“One Month, one Codex” (monthly seminars in collaboration with the
National Library): Closing ceremony and launch of e-book with the
results of the previous sessions of this cycle. BN – Lisbon.
“IEM’s International Lectures on Medieval Studies” - 1st session of 1st
14th-15th November Meeting “Religious Reform and Religious Radicalism (14th-15th
centuries) - Paradigms, Movements, Influences”.
20 -21 November (DIR) José Mattoso’s interdisciplinary seminar: “Diálogos em torno da
interdisciplinaridade: para uma outra visão da Idade Média” (Debates
on Interdisciplinarity: for another vision of the Middle Ages). IEMFCSH, Edifício I&D, room multiusos 2, floor 4.
22 November
25 November
Permanent workshop on Medieval Methodologies (every other month
seminar): Programme to be announced. IEM- FCSH, Edifício I&D, room
9th December
12th December
“IEM’s International Lectures on Medieval Studies”. 2nd session of 1st
(DIR) III Seminário “Investigar em Idade Média” (Seminar “Researching
on the Middle Ages”) in partnership with CITCEM-UP. IEM- FCSH,
Edifício I&D, room multiusos 2, floor 4.
Av. de Berna, nº 26C | 1069-061 Lisboa
+351 217 908 300 (ext. 1321) | [email protected] | www.iem.fcsh.unl.pt