Glossary and abbreviations for D1_1610_Leontiev.ppt For questions

Glossary and abbreviations for D1_1610_Leontiev.ppt
For questions, contact [email protected].
Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.
CAD – Computer Aided Detection, a computer system that analyzes medical images and identifies
abnormalities, such as tumors.
CDA - Clinical Document Architecture; a standard format for medical documents from the HL7
DICOM - Digital Imaging Communications in Medicine (comunicação de imagens digitais em medicina),
é conjunto de normas para tratamento, armazenamento e transmissão de informação médica (imagens
médicas) num formato eletrônico, estruturando um protocolo.
IHE – Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise, an organization that promotes the use of standards for
interoperability in healthcare
Interoperability –the ability of different systems to exchange data, and to use the information that has
been exchanged. Interoperabilidade
KIN – Key Image Note, a use of DICOM SR for identifying a set of images for forwarding.
MAWF – mammography acquisition workflow; a standardized process for acquiring mammography
images, which uses DICOM SR to identify poor quality images to be rejected.
PA – posterior-anterior, an x-ray image taken from the back of the patient.
PACS – O termo PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System - Sistema de Comunicação e
Arquivamento de Imagens) refere-se a redes de computadores que lidam com a digitalização, pósprocessamento, distribuição e armazenamento de imagens médicas. As imagens são obtidas de
equipamentos de ultrassonografia, ressonância magnética, tomografia computadorizada, endoscopia,
mamografia e radiografia. A transmissão e armazenamento, na maior parte dos sistemas, é feita
utilizando-se o padrão DICOM.
RFI - Request for Information; a formal solicitation from a customer to a supplier requesting information
about possible solutions for the customer’s needs
SOP Class – Service-Object Pair Class; a service for one computer system to send a particular type of
data (object), and the receiving system performs some function with that data and returns a response;
the fundamental unit of DICOM interoperability specification.
SR - Structured Reporting; a class of formats for recording observations made on images
TCE - Teaching file and Clinical trial Export; a standardized process for identifying images to be exported
to a teaching file or to a clinical trial manager that uses DICOM SR to pass the list of images
XDS-I – Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing for Imaging – a technique for sharing images through a
Health Information Exchange that uses DICOM SR to pass the list of images