SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE FORMS AFFIRMATIVE I drink You drink He drinks She drinks It drinks We drink You drink They drink NEGATIVE I don't drink You don't drink He doesn’t drink She doesn't drink It doesn't drink We don't drink You don't drink They don't drink INTERROGATIVE Do I drink? Do you drink? Does he drink? Does she drink? Does it drink? Do we drink? Do you drink? Do they drink? AUXILIARY VERBS DO I YOU WE YOU THEY DOES HE SHE IT Affirmative form Subject + verb (S/ES/IES) Carol drinks milk • Contraction: do + not = don’t / does + not = doesn’t Negative form Interrogative form Subject +auxiliary verb + not+ verb Carol doesn’t drink milk Auxiliary verb +Subject + verb? Does Carol drink milk ? SPELLING Acrescenta-se S ao final do verbo Exemplo: He walks Acrescenta-se ES quando os verbos terminarem em: O, X, SS, CH, SH. Exemplos: She goes He fixes He kisses Carol watches TV Peter washes the dishes Acrescenta-se IES ao verbo terminado em Y precedido de consoante. Exemplo: Douglas studies O simple present é usado para descrever ações habituais e também para expressar verdades gerais: A regra do S/ES/IES serve apenas para os verbos no presente simples, na forma afirmativa na terceira pessoa do singular HE/SHE/IT. Na forma negativa utiliza-se o verbo auxiliar DO / DOES mais a partícula negativa NOT e o verbo principal volta para a forma infinitiva sem o TO. Na forma interrogativa utiliza-se o verbo auxiliar DO / DOES antes do sujeito da oração e o verbo principal volta para a forma infinitiva sem o TO. EXERCISES A) John.......with his parents in a country town.(Live) B) That guy........a lot of important information.(Have) C) Our great grandfather........a pension.(Get) D) She.......English well but her E) Ronaldo..........goals when he´s in good shape.(Score) F) We.......control of our lives due to bad habits.(Lose) G) Mary and college in the evening.(Go)