COLÉGIO ESTADUAL DR. WOLFRAM METZLER Teacher: Cibele – English Class Conditional perfect Expressa uma hipótese no passado. Acontece quando colocamos, além do would, o have na frente do verbo principal que deve estar no passado particípio (past participle, 3ª coluna da lista dos verbos irregulares, e/ou final “ed” para verbos regulares). Exs: I would have done what Annie did. T: Eu teria feito o que Annie fez. He would have died for her. T: Ele teria morrido por ela. Rule: Cond. perfect = would + have + verb past participle (verbo no passado particípio) Affirmative I would have played. Negative I would not have played. Interrogative Would I have played? You would have played. You would not have played. Would you have played? He would have played. He would not have played. Would he have played? She would have played. She would not have played. Would she have played? It would not have played. Would it have played? We would have played. We would not have played. Would we have played? You would have played. You would not have played. Would you have played? They would have played. They would not have played. Would they have played? It would have played.