ADD Verbo regular Acrescentar, somar AGREE Verbo regular Concordar ALLOW Verbo regular Permitir, autorizar ANSWER Verbo regular Responder, atender ARRIVE Verbo regular Chegar ASK Verbo regular Pedir, perguntar ATTACK Verbo regular Atacar BE Verbo irregular (Be - Was/Were - Been) Ser, estar BECOME Verbo irregular (Become - Became - Become) Tornar-se BEGIN Verbo irregular (Begin - Began - Begun) Começar BELIEVE Verbo regular Acreditar BRING Verbo irregular (Bring - Brought - Brought) Trazer BUY Verbo irregular (Buy - Bought - Bought) Comprar CALL Verbo regular Chamar, telefonar CAN Verbo modal Poder, ser capaz de CARRY Verbo regular Transportar, carregar CATCH Verbo irregular (Catch - Caught - Caught) Apanhar, agarrar CHANGE Verbo regular Mudar, trocar CHOOSE Verbo irregular (Choose - Chose - Chosen) Escolher, seleccionar CLEAN Verbo regular Limpar CLOSE Verbo regular Fechar COME Verbo irregular (Come - Came - Come) Vir COOK Verbo regular Cozinhar COULD Verbo modal Poder (condicional) CUT Verbo irregular (Cut - Cut - Cut) Cortar DEFEND Verbo regular Defender, proteger DO Verbo irregular (Do - Did - Done) Fazer DRINK Verbo irregular (Drink - Drank - Drunk) Beber DRIVE Verbo irregular (Drive - Drove - Driven) Conduzir EAT Verbo irregular (Eat - Ate - Eaten) Comer END Verbo regular Terminar, acabar ENJOY Verbo regular Apreciar, gozar EXPLAIN Verbo regular Explicar FALL Verbo irregular (Fall - Fell - Fallen) Cair FEEL Verbo irregular (Feel - Felt - Felt) Sentir (-se) FIND Verbo irregular (Find - Found - Found) Encontrar, considerar FINISH Verbo regular Terminar, acabar FLY Verbo irregular (Fly - Flew - Flown) Voar FOLLOW Verbo regular Seguir, acompanhar GET Verbo irregular (Get - Got - Got) Receber, apanhar GIVE Verbo irregular (Give - Gave - Given) Dar GO Verbo irregular (Go - Went - Gone) Ir GROW Verbo irregular (Grow - Grew - Grown) Crescer, criar GUESS Verbo regular Adivinhar HATE Verbo regular Detestar, odiar HAVE Verbo irregular (Have - Had - Had) Ter HELP Verbo regular Ajudar HOLD Verbo irregular (Hold - Held - Held) Segurar HURT Verbo irregular (Hurt - Hurt - Hurt) Magoar, ferir, doer IMAGINE Verbo regular Imaginar INVITE Verbo regular Convidar JUMP Verbo regular Pular, saltar KEEP Verbo irregular (Keep - Kept - Kept) Manter, guardar, preservar KNOW Verbo irregular (Know - Knew - Known) Saber, conhecer LAUGH Verbo regular Rir LEARN Verbo regular Aprender LEAVE Verbo irregular (Leave - Left - Left) Partir, ir embora, abandonar LIKE Verbo regular Gostar LISTEN Verbo regular Ouvir, escutar LIVE Verbo regular Viver, morar LOOK Verbo regular Olhar, parecer LOSE Verbo irregular (Lose - Lost - Lost) Perder LOVE Verbo regular Amar, adorar MAKE Verbo irregular (Make - Made - Made) Fazer MATCH Verbo regular Ligar, unir, relacionar MAY Verbo modal Poder, ter autorização para MEAN Verbo irregular (Mean - Meant - Meant) Querer dizer, significar MEET Verbo irregular (Meet - Met - Met) Encontrar, conhecer, deparar com MUST Verbo modal Ter de, dever NEED Verbo regular Precisar, necessitar OPEN Verbo regular Abrir ORDER Verbo regular Ordenar, encomendar OWN Verbo regular Possuir PICK Verbo regular Escolher, apanhar, colher PLAY Verbo regular Jogar, brincar, tocar POINT Verbo regular Apontar PROMISE Verbo regular Prometer PROVIDE Verbo regular Fornecer, garantir, sustentar PUT Verbo irregular (Put - Put - Put) Pôr, colocar READ Verbo irregular (Read - Read - Read) Ler REMEMBER Verbo regular Recordar REPLACE Verbo regular Substituir RETURN Verbo regular Regressar, voltar, devolver RIDE Verbo irregular (Ride - Rode - Ridden) Montar, deslocar-se em cima de algo RUN Verbo irregular (Run - Ran - Run) Correr, fugir, gerir SAVE Verbo regular Salvar, guardar, poupar SAY Verbo irregular (Say - Said - Said) Dizer SEE Verbo irregular (See - Saw - Seen) Ver SEEM Verbo regular Parecer SELL Verbo irregular (Sell - Sold - Sold) Vender SEND Verbo irregular (Send - Sent - Sent) Enviar SHOW Verbo irregular (Show - Showed - Shown) Mostrar, revelar SING Verbo irregular (Sing - Sang - Sung) Cantar SIT Verbo irregular (Sit - Sat - Sat) Sentar, estar sentado SLEEP Verbo irregular (Sleep - Slept - Slept) Dormir SPEAK Verbo irregular (Speak - Spoke - Spoken) Falar START Verbo regular Começar STAY Verbo regular Ficar STEAL Verbo irregular (Steal - Stole - Stolen) Roubar STOP Verbo regular Parar, deter SUPPORT Verbo regular Suportar, apoiar SWIM Verbo irregular (Swim - Swam - Swum) Nadar TAKE Verbo irregular (Take - Took - Taken) Levar, demorar TALK Verbo regular Falar, conversar TEACH Verbo irregular (Teach - Taught - Taught) Ensinar TELL Verbo irregular (Tell - Told - Told) Dizer, contar THANK Verbo regular Agradecer THINK Verbo irregular (Think - Thought - Thought) Pensar TRAVEL Verbo regular Viajar TRY Verbo regular Tentar, experimentar UNDERSTAND Verbo irregular (Understand - Understood Understood) Compreender USE Verbo regular Usar, utilizar WAIT Verbo regular Esperar WALK Verbo regular Caminhar, andar a pé WANT Verbo regular Querer WASH Verbo regular Lavar WEAR Verbo irregular (Wear - Wore - Worn) Vestir, usar WILL Verbo modal (futuro) WIN Verbo irregular (Win - Won - Won) Ganhar WISH Verbo regular Desejar WORK Verbo regular Trabalhar WOULD Verbo modal (condicional) WRITE Verbo irregular (Write - Wrote - Written) Escrever Critérios de selecção dos verbos: Verbos incluídos nas 200 palavras mais frequentes do British National Corpus Verbos incluídos na lista de Dolch Verbos normalmente utilizados nas instruções dos exercícios em testes e manuais de Inglês Uma selecção pessoal de outros verbos que me pareceram úteis para os alunos portugueses