Registo nas XXXVI Jornadas Portuguesas de Genética Nome Sobrenome (s) Grau Académico Instituição Endereço Email Sócio da SPG ou SPGH (Sim / Não) Apresenta comunicação (Sim / Não) PREÇOS DE INSCRIÇÃO (assinalar a opção adequda) Senior 1: member of the SPG or SPGH: €120 (including book of abstracts, 2 lunches and coffee breaks) Senior 2: non-SPG and non-SPGH member: €150 (including book of abstracts, 2 lunches and coffee breaks) Junior 1: Master and graduation students €40 (including electronic book of abstracts and coffee breaks) Junior 2: PhD students €60 (including electronic book of abstracts and coffee breaks) Jantar do congresso €25 (Sim/Não) DADOS PARA RECIBO Nome NIF