1. simple present tense – review

Língua Inglesa
1. Simple Present Tense – Review
2. If Clauses – Zero Conditional
3. Simple future – Review
4. If Clauses – First Conditional
5. Simple Past – Review
6. Modal Verbs
7. If Clauses – Second Conditional
Língua Inglesa
Volume 1
1. Simple Present Tense – Review
2. If Clauses Zero Conditional
3. Simple future – Review
4. If Clauses First Conditional
5. Simple Past – Review
6. Modal Verbs
7. If Clauses – Second Conditional
Volume 2
8. Present perfect (Review)
9. Past Perfect
10. If clauses – Third conditional
11. Conjunction
12. Relative Pronouns
Volume 3
13. Used to
14. Passive voice
Língua Inglesa
Língua Inglesa
Reading comprehension
Text I
The rain leaves Oklahoma in late May, too early in the growing season.
The sky and the earth grow pale. The new corn begins to dry up. The roads
turn into dust clouds. In mid June, heavy clouds pass over Oklahoma but
leave only a spattering of rain.
A gentle wind follows, which develops into a strong one. The corn crop
is ruined, and the country is covered in a dusty cloud. Men and women hide
in their houses.
When the wind passes on and the dust settles, the people come out
of their houses. The men look silently at the dry corn. “The women studied
the men’s faces secretly, for the corn could go as long as something else
remained.” The children wait for their parents’ reactions. After a while, the
men’s faces become angry and resistant and the women know everything
will be all right. The women go to work and children begin to play.
Available at: <http://media.tumblr.com>.
Access at: 01 Oct. 2009.
Read the beginning of the book The Grapes of Wrath.
Look for the words from the text in a dictionary or try to understand them from the context.
a) season __________________________________________________________________________
b) pale ____________________________________________________________________________
c) corn ____________________________________________________________________________
d) dust ____________________________________________________________________________
e) spatter __________________________________________________________________________
f) crop _____________________________________________________________________________
g) wrath ___________________________________________________________________________
There are some verbs in bold in the text, do the same as in exercise 1 with these verbs.
a) _________________________________________________________________________________
b) _________________________________________________________________________________
c) _________________________________________________________________________________
d) _________________________________________________________________________________
e) _________________________________________________________________________________
f) _________________________________________________________________________________
g) _________________________________________________________________________________
De acordo com o texto, responda às peguntas a seguir:
a) Reescreva a frase que retrata que a seca na região de Oklahoma começou antes da época.
b) Descreva o que aconteceu com a região e com a plantação de milho após o vento forte.
c) What did the people do after the wind passed on and the dust settled?
d) What was the difference between the women and the men’s reactions after all?
Língua Inglesa
It’s a fact!
During the great dust storms of the 1930s in Oklahoma, the weather threw up so much dirt that, at times,
there was zero visibility and everything was covered in dirt. No matter how tightly Oklahomans sealed their
homes, they could not keep the dirt from entering. Dust storms were the result of drought and land that had
been overused. Drought first hit the country in 1930. By 1934, it had turned the Great Plains into a desert
that came to be known as the Dust Bowl.
Read the sentences from the text:
The rain leaves Oklahoma…
The roads turn into dust clouds.
Observe que as palavras em destaque são verbos. Esses verbos indicam uma ação que acontece no
presente e, por isso, esse tempo verbal é chamado de Simple Present.
Língua Inglesa
Simple Present Tense – Review
Grammar focus
1.1 Repeated Actions
Como aprendemos nas séries anteriores, usamos o Simple Present para expressar a ideia de que uma ação
é repetida ou comum. A ação pode ser uma rotina, um hábito ou algo que acontece frequentemente.
I play tennis.
She does not play tennis.
Does he play tennis?
She always forgets her bag.
He never forgets his wallet.
They get up early every day.
We have breakfast at the same cafeteria.
1.2 Facts or Generalizations
O Simple Present pode também indicar um fato que é sempre verdadeiro e que não mudará no futuro.
Ele também é usado para fazer generalizações sobre pessoas ou coisas.
Cats like milk.
Birds do not like milk.
Do pigs like milk?
California is in America.
California is not in the United Kingdom.
Windows are made of glass.
Windows are not made of wood.
1.3 Scheduled Events in the Near Future
Também usamos o Simple Present para falar de eventos programados num futuro próximo. Esse uso
geralmente ocorre quando falamos sobre transportes públicos, o que não nos impede de falar com outros
acontecimentos previamente programados.
The train leaves tonight at 6 PM.
The bus does not arrive at 11 AM, it arrives at 11 PM.
When do we board the plane?
The party starts at 8 o’clock.
When does class begin tomorrow?
Língua Inglesa
Simple Present Tense – Review
Para formar o Simple Present dos verbos devemos lembrar que basta somente utilizarmos os verbos no
infinitivo, porém sem a partícula TO.
To work – I work
To jump – We jump
Regra para a formação da 3a pessoa do singular:
I) Acrescentamos -s à maioria dos verbos.
To jump – She jumps into the water.
To run – The girl runs in the park.
II) Acrescentamos -es aos verbos terminados em – ch, – sh, – s, – x, – z e – o.
To fix – The mechanic fixes the car.
To wash – His mother washes the dishes.
To pass – The student passes in his exams.
To go – That dog goes down the street.
To watch – The player watches the game.
III) Acrescentamos -ies aos verbos terminados em -y precedidos de consoantes. Porém o verbo perde esta
To study – John studies in the library.
Ronaldo plays soccer well.
Watch out!
Para formar a 3a pessoa
do singular, o verbo
recebe o – s, – es e – ies.
Para formar a interrogativa dos verbos no Simple Present
acrescentamos os auxiliares do (I, you, we, they) e does (he, she, it).
Do you go to school in the morning?
Does she go to school in the morning?
Para formar a negativa dos verbos no Simple Present acrescentamos os auxiliares don’t (I, you, we,
they) e doesn’t (he, she, it).
You don’t go to school in the morning.
She doesn’t go to school in the morning.
Observe que, quando utilizamos o auxiliar does para a 3a pessoa do singular, o verbo principal, que
na forma afirmativa havia recebido -s,-ies e -es, voltou para a sua forma original (infinitivo sem o to).
Língua Inglesa
Simple Present Tense – Review
Class exercises
Volte ao texto e procure mais quatro frases afirmativas escritas no Simple Present. Reescreva-as.
Reescreva as frases do exercício anterior nas formas negativa e interrogativa.
Fill in the blanks in the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
a) She __________________ four languages. (speak)
b) Jane and Jonas are teachers. They __________________ French. (teach)
c) When the kettle __________________, will you make some tea? (boil)
d) I always __________________ the window at night because it is cold. (close)
e) Those shoes __________________ too much. (cost)
His job is great because he __________________ a lot of people. (meet)
g) He always __________________ his car on Sundays. (wash)
h) My watches are broken and they __________________ to be fixed again. (have)
I __________________ to watch movies. (like)
I __________________ to the cinema at least once a week. (go)
k) They never __________________ tea in the morning. (drink)
We both __________________ to the radio in the morning. (listen)
m) He __________________ a big wedding. (want)
n) George __________________ too much so he’s getting fat. (eat)
o) The earth __________________ round the sun, doesn’t it? (go)
p) The shops in England __________________ at 9:00 in the morning. (open)
q) The post office __________________ at 5:30 pm. (close)
r) Jackie __________________ two children now. (have)
s) Mr. Smith __________________ too much. He always has a cigarette in his mouth. (smoke)
When the phone __________________ please answer it. (ring)
Língua Inglesa
If Clauses – Zero Conditional
Grammar focus
Leia as frases baseadas na ideias retiradas do texto:
If a gentle wind develops into a strong one, the corn is ruined.
If the rain leaves Oklahoma in late May, the sky and the earth grow pale.
A condicional zero é usada para falar de verdades em geral e de coisas que sempre acontecem sobre
certas condições.
1) The structure of a zero conditional sentence:
If + simple present, simple present
If you heat water to 100 degrees, it boils.
Se invertermos a posição da if clause não é necessário o uso da vírgula.
The water boils if you heat it to 100 degrees.
Class exercises
Make zero conditional sentences by using the words.
a) ice / float / you / drop / it / in water
b) you / not / eat / you / die
c) not / rain / the grass / not / grow/ it
d) my daughter / eat / too much chocolate / she /get / sick
Língua Inglesa
If Clauses – Zero Conditional
Complete the zero conditional sentences. Use the conditions and the results from the table below.
you’ve got a headache
you get pink
you don’t wear a crash helmet
a dog bites
you heat it to 100 ºc
the DVD player comes on
she comes home very late
butter melts
you leave gates open in the country
it scratches you
you add sugar
you have more chance of being killed
you heat it to 100 ºC
a) Water boils if _______________________________
b) If you mix red and white ______________________________________________ .
c) ________________________________________________ if you leave it in the sun.
d) If _______________________________________________ , take an aspirin.
e) If _______________________________________________ , it tastes sweet.
f) _______________________________________________ if you go near its food when it’s eating.
g) If you pull a cat’s tail, _______________________________________________ .
h) _______________________________________________ if you don’t wear a seat belt.
i) You can end up brain damaged if _______________________________________ .
2) Podemos usar também o imperativo na oração principal quando usamos a condicional para darmos
3) A maioria das condicionais zero tem o mesmo significado se when é usado no lugar de if.
When it rains, my roof leaks. When my roof leaks, the walls get wet. When the walls
get wet, they get moldy. When they get moldy, I get sick. When I get sick, I go to the
doctor. When I go the doctor, he always says the same thing, “Fix your roof!”
Reescreva o texto anterior substituindo when por if.
Língua Inglesa
Simple future – Review
Grammar focus
Usamos o Simple Future para expressar eventos que ainda não aconteceram, estando esses situados depois
do ato da fala, ou da escrita.
O Simple Future é formado da seguinte maneira:
WILL + verbo no infinitivo sem to
A forma reduzida de will é ’ll
Os usos mais comuns são:
I- Falar sobre uma decisão que está sendo tomada no momento da fala.
I’ll give you the money right now.
II- Fazer uma predição sobre o futuro.
You’ll be very rich.
III- Fazer um pedido ou recusar alguma coisa.
Will you ask them to be quiet?
No, they won’t be quiet.
IV- Fazer uma promessa ou dar um aviso ou um comando.
I’ll call the teacher.
Para formarmos a interrogativa dos verbos no Simple Future, escrevemos o auxiliar will antes do
Will you go to school tomorrow?
Para formar a negativa dos verbos no Simple Future, acrescentamos o auxiliar will not ou a forma
reduzida won’t.
You won’t go to school tomorrow.
Língua Inglesa
Let’s relax!
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs into the Simple Future Tense.
Jack asked a fortune teller about his future. Here is what she told him:
a) You (earn) ________________ a lot of money.
b) You (travel) ________________ around the world.
c) You (meet) ________________ lots of interesting people.
d) Everybody (adore) ________________ you.
e) You (not / have) ________________ any problems.
f) Many people (serve) ________________ you.
g) They (anticipate) ________________ your wishes.
h) There (not / be) ________________ anything left to wish for.
i) Everything (be) ________________ perfect.
j) But all these things (happen) ________________ only if you marry me.
Available at: <2.bp.blogspot.com>.
Access at: 08 Oct. 2009.
Class exercises
Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses, Simple Present or
Simple Future.
a) Today after I (get) ________________ out of class, I (go) ________________ to a movie with some
b) When you (arrive) ________________ in Stockholm, call my friend john. He (show) ________________
you around the city.
c) A: Do you know what you want to do after you (graduate) ________________?
d) B: After I (receive) ________________ my Master’s from Virginia University, I (go) ________________
to graduate school at Georgetown. I (plan) ___________ to complete a Ph.D. in Computer science.
e) Your mother (plan) ________________ to pick you up after school today at 2:00 o’clock. She (meet)
________________ you across the street near the mall.
f) I promise you that I (tell, not) ________________ your secret to anybody. Even if somebody (ask)
________________ me about what happened that day, I (reveal, not) ________________ the truth to a
single person.
g) She (make) ________________ some changes in her life. She (quit) ________________ her job and
go back to school. After she (finish) ________________ studying, she (get) ________________ a betterpaying job and buy a house. She is going to improve her life!
h) Tom (call) ________________ when he (arrive) ___________________ in Madrid. He (stay)
________________ with you for two or three days until his new apartment (be) ________________
Available at: <www.offthemaskcartoons.com>.
Access at: 01 Oct. 2009.
Língua Inglesa
Let’s relax!
Text II
Part of the plot
Available at: <www.doctormacro1.info >.
Access at: 12 Oct. 2009.
Tom Joad is released from the Oklahoma state penitentiary
where he had served a sentence for killing a man in selfdefense. On his trip home he meets Jim Casy, a preacher.
They travel together to Tom’s home but find it deserted. Muley
Graves, a farmer, discovers Tom and Casy and tells them that
all the families in the neighborhood have left for California or are
leaving. Tom’s folks have gone to a relative’s place to prepare for
the trip.
All over the Southern Midwest, farmers were moving west.
Land banks, bad weather, and machine farming had made
farming unprofitable. Junk dealers and used-car salesmen took
advantage of these families.
Tom and Casy find the Joads at Uncle Tom’s place. The family
Available at: <www.doctormacro1.info>.
Access at: 12 Oct. 2009.
includes Pa and Ma Joad; Noah and all their sons; Rose of
Sharon, Tom’s sister, and her husband; Ruthie and Winfield, the
two youngest children; and Grandma and Grandpa Joad. Casy is
invited to follow the family on their trip west.
The trip is arduous, but the promise of agricultural work keeps
the Joads on their path. Grandpa Joad dies of a stroke at the
first stop. Returning migrants tell the Joads there is no work in
California. Grandma dies during a night trip across the desert. After
they bury her, the Joads move
into a migrant camp, Hooverville,
where they discover that work
is almost impossible to find. A
Available at: <www.doctormacro1.info>.
contractor offers fruit picking
Access at: 12 Oct. 2009.
work in another country.
The Joads leave the Hooverville and move to a government camp
for migrant workers. This camp is clean and has a local government made
up of migrant workers. For the first time since arriving in California, the
Joads find themselves treated as human beings. However, when the work
runs out they must move on.
They look for work at another large farm and find agitators attempting
to keep migrants from taking work as a protest against unfair wages. In
desperation they take work picking peaches for five cents a box.
Look for the information in the text and write down who the people below are.
a) Jim Casy: ________________________________________________________________________
b) Muley Graves: ____________________________________________________________________
c) Pa and Ma Joad: ___________________________________________________________________
d) Rose of Sharon: ___________________________________________________________________
e) Ruthie and Winfield: ________________________________________________________________
Suggested exercises
Responda, em português, às perguntas relacionadas à parte da história do livro Grapes of Wrath:
a) Por que Tom Joad havia sido preso?
b) Para onde as famílias e os vizinhos haviam ido quando Tom voltou para casa?
c) Quais os motivos que fizeram com que os fazendeiros se mudassem para o Oeste?
d) Qual foi o motivo da morte do avô Joad?
e) O que a família Joad fez após a morte da avó Joad?
f) Que tipo de serviço foi oferecido à família Joad por uma contratante num outro lugar?
g) Como era o outro acampamento para trabalhadores imigrantes e como a família Joad se sentiu?
Língua Inglesa
If Clauses – First Conditional
Grammar focus
Leia as frases baseadas nas ideias retiradas do texto:
If you go to Uncle Tom’s place, you will find the Joads.
If workers go to Hoorville, they will discover that work is almost impossible to find.
A condicional um é chamada às vezes de real condicional. Ela é usada para descrever uma ação
verdadeira, que acontecerá no futuro, como consequência de uma ação realizada no presente.
1) The structure of a first conditional sentence
If + Simple Present, Simple Future
If you don’t study hard, you won’t pass the exam.
She will need some help if she buys that new car.
Class exercises
Choose the correct alternative that fills the blanks correctly.
a) If Caroline and Sue ____________(prepare/will prepare) the salad, Phil _____________ (Will
decorate/decorates) the house.
b) If Sue _____________ (cut/cuts/will cut) the onions for the salad, Caroline _____________ (peel/
peels/will peel) the mushrooms.
c) If Bob _______________ (tidy/tidies/will tidy) up the kitchen, Anita _____________ (clean/cleans/
will clean) the toilet.
d) Elaine _____________ (buy/buys/ will buy) the drinks if somebody _____________ (help/helps/will
help) her carry the bottles.
e) If Alan and Rebecca ___________ (organize/organizes/ will organize) the food, Mary and Conor
________________ (make/makes/will make) the sandwiches.
f) If Bob _____________ (look/looks/will look) after the barbecue, Sue _____________ (invite/invites/
will invite) the guests in.
g) Frank ____________ (play/plays/ will play) the DJ if the others __________________ (bring/brings/
will bring) along their CDs.
h) Alan _____________ (mix/mixes/will mix) the drinks if Jane _____________ (give/gives/will give)
him some of her cocktail recipes.
i) If they all _____________ (do/does/will do) their best, the party _____________ (is/are/will be) great.
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