Learning to Cure Vertigo and Migraine

Learning to Cure Vertigo and Migraine
It’s not always enough just to tell people about how to look after their
health. After all, by now, there can’t be many people who don’t know that
eating the wrong foods and sitting around all day will hurt their health.
However, knowing what to do and putting it into action are two different
things. How many of us always do what we know we should? Not many!
Therefore, scientists set out to teach people how to cure both migraine and
vertigo. In addition, the results were amazing. They published their findings
in the Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology.
Vestibular migraine is a common cause of vertigo. Sufferers get dizziness,
headaches, nausea, vomiting, and faintness, among other symptoms.
A team of Chinese researchers wondered whether education about their
condition and an understanding of its triggers could help them reduce the
number of attacks they were getting and make the symptoms less severe.
They used questionnaires, memory diaries, and regular visits to see their
103 subjects so they could learn about their specific triggers and
They had them fill in questionnaires before and after the study to measure
their understanding of what was happening, their fear levels, depression,
frequency of attacks, duration and severity.
The study group got face-to-face health education and multimedia
Researchers learned that 97.1 percent of their subjects suffered from sleep
disorders, 93.2 percent of them had a family history of vertigo or headacherelated vertigo, 87.4 percent of them had a history of motion sickness, and
77.7 percent did not exercise, because they felt unwell or thought it might
trigger an attack.
Here are some typical triggers:
87.4 percent: enclosed spaces
79.6 percent: general fear and anxiety
76.7 percent: pressure at home and at work
51.5 percent: specific foods
7.8 percent: rainy or humid weather
6.8 percent: time of year—the spring and start of the summer months
At the start of the study, only 13 patients (12.6 percent of them) understood
their conditions. After 15 months, this increased to 101 (98 percent).
79.6 percent reported feeling fear and anxiety before the study, but this
dropped to 7.8 percent by the end. Their depression scores improved as
Around two-thirds of them switched to healthy lifestyles too, taking up
exercise and making better food choices, which probably also helped to
reduce attacks.
By the end, 15.5 percent of the group reported having no attacks in the
previous six months, and most of the others said that while they hadn’t
stopped completely, the number had gone down.
In most cases, their attacks were also less severe and didn’t last as long.
This goes to show that a little education can go a long way.
If you suffer vertigo and do not feel like spending weeks learning how
to manage it, why not do the simple exercises – found here – that
usually cure vertigo within a week…
In addition, if you have migraine, it is because you are lacking this
one ingredient explained here…