believe my eyes – eu não posso crer em meus olhos

Artigo # 0011 para dia 19.02.2010
Prof. Roberto Henry Ebelt
[email protected]
I cannot (can + not) believe my eyes – eu não posso crer em meus olhos.
I cannot (também é possível escrever – can’t - ) believe my senses – eu não posso acreditar nos
meus sentidos.
O verbo CAN, COULD faz parte de um minúsculo grupo de verbos que são conhecidos como
MODAL VERBS. A principal característica deste grupo é não possuir o que todos os outros verbos
da língua inglesa possuem, a saber, o que eu chamo de DNA dos verbos ingleses. Refiro-me às
tradicionais 03 formas básicas.
Os maiores de idade, que tiveram a benção de estudar latim antes dos políticos brasileiros meter
o bedelho onde não são chamados exatamente por não terem a mínima noção do assunto
(imaginem, a maior autoridade do país declarar publicamente que jamais leu um livro – cruzcredo), sabem que a última flor do Lácio (Latium), o português, é basicamente latim (vulgar) não
flexionado. Sabem também que os verbos da língua latina têm quatro formas básicas.
Em inglês, todos os verbos têm apenas três formas básicas, exceto os MODAL VERBS.
Os MODAL VERBS são apenas treze e estão mais para verbos funcionais do que verbos
semânticos. Porém o assunto MODAL VERBS merece um texto inteiro, e o SUBJECT (assunto)
de hoje é outro, namely, PROVERBS. (NAMELY significa A SABER).
I cannot believe my eyes when I read the news about the friends of our bearded frog, as Leonel
Brizola used to call him. I cannot believe that His relations include the most intransigent enemies of
the Western Culture, namely, the leaders of Islam and the last remaining dictators of the world,
such as the despicable Mario Brothers, I mean Castro Brothers, the present protégé of the Persian
*Ayatollahs (beware of theocracies – you cannot reason with theocrats because they think
according to dogmas).
*Ayatollah: title of respect for a Shiite Muslim religious leader.
One of the few countries in the world that is not under the threat of drowning into the Muslin
“culture”, which I find extremely bellicose and, at least 1000 years behind the Western Culture in
time, is Brazil. My opinion is that we must do whatever is possible to maintain our culture. The birth
rate of Muslims in Germany, for instance, in much higher than the birth rate of Germans. In a
couple of decades, there will be more Muslims in Germany than Germans. The same thing will
happen in England and France, where the situation is as bad as in Germany or even worse. In
other words, if things keep going as they are going now, Muslims will finally finish the task that they
imposed themselves in the Middle Ages, that is, to conquer Europe again. The Pope has already
acknowledged the fact that the number of Muslims in the world has surpassed the number of
Christians. Latin America is one of the few places in the world that is not under such threat.
Muslims have never forgiven the Spaniards who managed to expel than from Spain.
So the future is not bright for the Western world. Can you imagine living in the twenty first century
having to comply with barbarian usages such as what is known as HONOR KILLING?
An honor killing or honour killing (also called a customary killing) is the murder of a family or
clan member by one or more fellow family members, where the murderers (and potentially the
wider community) believe the victim to have brought dishonor upon the family, clan, or community.
This perceived dishonor is normally the result of (a) utilizing dress codes unacceptable to the
family (b) wanting out of an arranged marriage or choosing to marry by own choice or (c) engaging
in certain sexual acts. These killings result from the perception that defense of honor justifies killing
a person whose behavior dishonors their clan or family.
The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) estimates that the annual worldwide total of honorkilling victims may be as high as 5,000.
Let us pray to the God of the Jews, Yave.
Roberto Henry Ebelt – Rua Hoffmann, 728 – Bairro Floresta – Porto Alegre – RS.
E-mail: [email protected] – Fone (51)