Slide 1

Grammar Reference 1
Simple Present
Simple Present
Usamos o Simple Present para falar sobre algo que
acontece repetidas vezes ou para falar de hábitos.
Do you play the guitar? Yes, I do.
Do you have breakfast every morning? No, I don’t.
Também usamos o Simple Present para falar sobre
algo permanente ou que tem longa duração.
Where do you live? I live in Fortaleza.
Do you live in a house or in a apartment? I live in a house.
Simple Present
Usamos o Simple Present com os verbos “like”, “love”,
“hate” para falar sobre coisas de que gostamos e de
que não gostamos.
A. What do you like to do on the weekeds?
B. I like to play computer games and I like to spend time with my
I love playing soccer.
I hate walking to school.
I don’t like Math.
Simple Present
Usamos o Simple Present com o verbo “have” para
falar sobre coisas que possuímos.
Do you have money?
I have a cellphone.
She doesn’t have a laptop.
My parents don’t have a TV in their bedroom.
Usamos o Simple Present para falar sobre algo que é
baseado em fatos.
The Amazon River flows into the Atlantic.
As formas do Simple Present são:
 Answer the questions below on your notebooks.
 Now work in pairs. Ask these questions to your
 After you finish, do the activities on pages 110, and 111.
Where do you live? In a house or in an apartment?
How do you go to school?
What time do you get up everyday?
What time do you do your homework? Right after you arrive
home or later?